Our values—commitment, trust, efficiency, innovation, and ambition—underpin our everyday behaviors and ensure we do business in line with the principles of ethics and fairness.
We have achieved considerable growth in recent years, in France and around the world. In today’s increasingly competitive marketplace, corruption and fraud are major concerns. For this reason, it is vital for French companies like ours to act with integrity—and to be seen to be doing so. It is also good for our image and our reputation, both here in France and everywhere we do business.

What’s more, the Transparency, Anti-Corruption and Economic Modernization Act of 9 December 2016 (known as the Sapin II Act) makes acting with integrity a legal requirement. Companies that fail to follow the rules face serious legal repercussions and tough financial penalties.

This Code of Conduct sets out how, as a company, we prevent corruption and fraud through our behaviors and practices. Every employee will receive a copy of this document. Each one of us must follow the rules and recommendations it contains—some of which rely on common sense and personal responsibility—following the lead set by managers.

Please read this Code of Conduct carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, raise them with your manager and/or with the company’s Legal Department.


Nicolas Odet, Président, Hardis Group

Nicolas Odet

Yvan Coutaz, Direct Général, Hardis Group

Yvan Coutaz
Managing Director



The fight against corruption is a major challenge for our economic system. Corruption alone undermines a healthy business environment, seriously damages the company's image and distorts competition.

The Code of Conduct sets out our commitments and principles in this area, and is intended to serve as a tool for employees, reminding them of the rules and behaviour to adopt when faced with risky situations. It is the reference document for everyone in the company on matters relating to the anti-corruption system.

We also expect our business partners to respect the values and rules set out in this guide.


To learn more about Hardis Group’s anti-corruption policy, click the button below to download our Compliance & Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct:


Our values—commitment, trust, efficiency, innovation, and ambition—underpin our everyday behaviors and ensure we do business ethically and fairly. This Business Partner Charter is intended to promote responsible behaviors and practices. It sets out the commitments that we apply and develop in our everyday conduct—and that all our partners and stakeholders should uphold in their own practices. This Charter underscores our commitment to the principles of integrity and fairness. We expect all our partners to share our values, to apply these same principles in the management of their own business, and to follow the rules and standards set out below.


To find out more about Hardis Group's Business Partner Charter, click on the button below: