08/11/2023 - Fresh Food Village automates the management of perishable goods with Reflex WMS

Food wholesaler Fresh Food Village uses Hardis Group’s Reflex WMS warehouse management software in SaaS mode to manage logistics operations at its warehouse, to automate expiration date management, and to gain full traceability of all logistics tasks performed for each product. After rolling out the web version of Reflex in July 2023, the company now has access to transportation management feat...

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06/09/2023 - Daunat opts for Reflex WMS to manage its five logistics sites

Daunat, a leading supplier of prepackaged snack-food products in France, is rolling out Hardis Group’s warehouse management software at its logistics warehouses. Following a successful initial implementation at one site in 2022, Reflex WMS is currently being deployed at four other platforms, with a target completion date of early 2024.

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26/01/2023 - Hardis Group steps up its growth in Poland

• Following a sharp uptick in activity in 2022, Hardis Group Polska plans to double its workforce in 2023 and open an IT development center for its Reflex logistics software suite in Warsaw. • The company intends to develop synergies with Cloudity, a digital transformation specialist and Salesforce integrator acquired in November 2022.

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22/11/2022 - BigBuy strengthens its position as a global e-commerce partner with the deployment of Reflex WMS

Thanks to the deployment of warehouse management software Reflex WMS, BigBuy can now easily scale its logistics capacities. It has boosted service levels with more than 97% of orders shipped on time. The company has doubled its logistics capacity, with a much lower than expected investment of resources. Thanks to advanced operational monitoring, BigBuy has optimized the size of its tea...

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15/11/2022 - Salesforce integration: Hardis Group acquires Cloudity and expands its footprint in Europe

Hardis Group has announced the acquisition of Cloudity, the number one Salesforce integrator in Poland, which is also present in the DACH region and the Nordic countries. This new external growth operation is part of its strategy to become the main pure player Salesforce integrator in France and Europe. All Salesforce integration staff have been brought together in a new structure that w...

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