09/11/2015 - Logistics: anticipating the rise of omnichannel flows

Web-to-store, mobile-to-store, web-in-store, store-to-web... omnichannel flows are up and running, with the promise to the consumer that he or she can order from any channel, have items delivered and / or return them in the manner of his/her choosing. To deliver this promise, the supply chain must reinvent itself so as to become customer focused... while controlling costs.

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07/09/2015 - Hardis Group is Cedilec's partner to develop a customized WMS solution

The logistics department of Siplec, the importing company for the E.Leclerc movement, has selected Hardis Group to develop, deploy and maintain its warehouse management software, based on the Reflex WMS solution. The objective is to have a solution capable of fulfilling the specific needs of large-scale importing, without calling into question existing business processes.

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