04/11/2020 - What value can digital twins bring?

Digital twins might sound like something out of science fiction, but they’re already being used in a wide range of applications. The technology can help to eliminate costly and frustrating gray areas—provided it’s applied to suitable projects and backed by the right software and infrastructure.

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08/09/2020 - Retail outlet logistics management: Insights from Avenir Logistic Conseil

Avenir Logistic Conseil has served as a partner integrator for Hardis Group’s Reflex suite since 2008, covering the Indian Ocean, West Indies and East Africa region. The firm was among the first to deploy Reflex In-Store Logistics, our logistics management system for retail outlets, for Decathlon, Mr.Bricolage and KDI Davum in Réunion. Sébastien Leon, founder of Avenir Logistic Conseil, shares ...

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01/07/2020 - Decathlon Réunion switches to Reflex In-Store Logistics

Decathlon Réunion has deployed Hardis Group’s Reflex In-Store Logistics, a turnkey application for retail logistics management with a short learning curve. The move follows the retailer’s decision to roll out Reflex WMS warehouse management system to industrialize stock management and logistics processes across its stores.

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03/06/2020 - Drive-through collection points and dark stores: The time has come to industrialize (logistics) processes

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen online demand for fast-moving consumer goods go through the roof, with customers picking up their purchases from drive-through collection points or opting for home delivery. Once the crisis abates, maintaining this level of demand will require organizational changes, by food and non-food retailers alike, in order to enhance the customer experience, optimize resour...

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27/05/2020 - Managing e-commerce returns: six tips for more efficient logistics

Almost all retailers offer a return service for items purchased online, and many use the option as a selling point. Although the service is popular with consumers, it can be a real headache for retailers, with significant logistics costs. Return management is also a vital part of the customer experience. This article explores six tips for efficient, low-cost management of return-related logisti...

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