13/05/2020 - What does the future hold for legacy AS/400-IBMi systems?

At one point, we thought we’d seen the end of AS/400-IBMi systems, sacrificed on the altar of modernization. But that view underestimated just how robust, reliable and secure these systems can be—and how they can create business value. Here, we examine why legacy systems remain central to the digital transformation of business, and what role they will play.

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04/03/2020 - Hardis Group unveils a new module for real-time management of all WCS

Hardis Group has released WCS Master, a new module for managing all mechanized and automated processes from Reflex WMS. The universal, quick-to-configure module reduces the cost of integrating the WMS with all off-the-shelf warehouse control systems (WCS). With status reports giving a single, real-time overview of all material and human resources across warehouses and plants, the module makes i...

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22/01/2020 - Hardis Group partners with Deltasoft International to grow its presence in North Africa

Hardis Group, the vendor of the Reflex logistics management software suite, has sealed a partnership deal with Tunisian integrator Deltasoft International. The agreement strengthens Hardis Group’s presence in North Africa and the wider continent, while enabling Deltasoft International to cater to the advanced logistics management needs of its clients—and win new business—with an expanded catalo...

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13/11/2019 - Tunisian retail giant UTIC Group chooses Reflex WMS

In October 2018, Ulysse Logistics Company (ULC), subsidiary of UTIC Group and a major player in Tunisia’s trade and retail sector, deployed Hardis Group’s warehouse management system at its new 30,000 m2 warehouse, where it manages logistics operations for Carrefour, Decathlon and Fnac Darty Tunisia. Eventually, the firm will roll out Reflex WMS across all its warehouses. 

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23/10/2019 - Vision insights by hardis group: using visual recognition and ai to enhance logistics performance

With Vision Insights powered by Xi IoT and its image recognition and analysis technology, Hardis Group is paving the way to a new generation of applications for the supply chain using machine-learning mechanisms. Co-innovated with an international client for one of its warehouses, the application is used to create a real-time digital twin of a warehouse and exploit the data to optimize certain ...

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17/04/2019 - Will we all, insiders included, be consultants by 2030?

Will we all be consultants by 2030? This is a big question that has come up time and again in recent years. But it isn't always framed in the right way. The real issue isn't about employees' status or the supposed end of employment contracts, but rather about the future of organizations and the role that their members play-both within and outside.

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